How to Teach and Modify the Squat and Deadlift
How to Teach and Modify the Squat and Deadlift
A Course For Fitness and Rehab Professionals
Why Mastering The Squat And Deadlift Will Set You Apart From Other Providers
School teaches you THEORY...not the NUANCES
- Basic understanding of movements
- Not able to apply them to clients appropriately
- No consistent results for clients

Repetoire = Severely Limited

Not where you want to be...
- More advanced understanding of movements
- Able to apply them with some accuracy, but not consistently
- Getting more consistent results for clients
Reptoire = Limited

Still not where you want to be...
- Mastery understanding of movements
- Scientific reasoning of when to apply these movements
- Consistent, day-in and day-out results for clients
-Improved client retention from results
Repetoire = Unlimited

This is where you will be after you take this course...
This course will teach you to become an EXPERT
My Mission Is To Help Fitness and Rehab Professionals STRENGTHEN Their Local Communities
Because I'm just like you...
Dr. Michael Mash, PT, DPT, Cert. TMM, CSCS, SFMA, FMS
Physical Therapist & Owners of Barbell Rehab
What You Will Learn In This Course
Module I: Intro and Welcome
In this module you will learn my decision making process and specific orthopedic assessment for working with those who have pain during the squat or deadlift.
Module II: Mastering The Squat
In this module, you will learn how to coach the squat, when to use different squat variations, and the causes and solutions to various pains.
Module III: Mastering The Deadlift
In this module, you will learn how to effectively coach the barbell deadlift, when to use different variations, and how to assess and modify for those with pain!
Bonus Module: Advanced Strategies, My Personal Tools, & Your Next Steps
This module talks about psychosocial considerations with pain, a simple squat progression for those post-ACL repair, and how to properly breath and brace for the squat and deadlift!
You Asked...and We Listened!
Now complete with a 40 page PDF file with detailed information!

Additional pictures to further explain the in-depth topics

Great for those who like to follow along and take notes! 

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